The final publicizing events of the project “Implementation of the model of welfare consultants in the municipality of Ignalina district” took place.
On April 9, residents of the Ignalina district were invited to the publicizing events of the project “Implementation of the model of welfare consultants in the municipality of the Ignalina district”, choosing a time that is more convenient for them – in the morning or in the afternoon. During the events, the service of welfare consultants was presented, and the results achieved during the project were presented.
Later, it was discussed about the highest need of a person – self-realization and what is needed to realize it, about positive socialization, stress, factors causing it and ways to overcome it.
The participants of the event were treated to hot drinks and were awarded motivational attributes of the project

On October 17, the third publicizing event of the project “Implementation of the model of welfare consultants in the municipality of Ignalina district” took place in the premises of Didžiasalis precinct.

During the event, the project, its progress, and the results of welfare consultant services in the Ignalina district to date were briefly presented. During the event, we talked about stress, how stress can affect our health, when we can avoid it, and what to do if we still face a stressful situation because of it. Participants were included in discussions, performed tests, tried practical tasks and were awarded with project attributes. We hope that the participants of the event gained useful information, will share their knowledge with their relatives and will encourage everyone who would benefit from the services of a welfare consultant to use them.

2022-11-25 in the public service business center of the Ignalina nuclear power plant region, Ateities str. On the 23rd, the second publicizing event of the project “Implementation of the Welfare Consultants Model in the Ignalina District Municipality” took place.

At the event, the welfare consultants of the Ignalina district presented the project, and shared what results they have achieved so far and what future plans are expected. Welfare consultants were happy that the project in the Ignalina district was a great success, there is no shortage of people who want to register for consultation. Collaborating institutions also contributed to the successful publicity of the project, whose representatives also presented themselves at the event, talked about the activities of their institution, and the dissemination of the services of Welfare consultants.
The moderator of the event presented a message about the importance of good emotional and physical health. The participants of the event were included in discussions and practical sessions on how to recognize and evaluate stressful situations and how to solve them easier thanks to positive thinking.
Those gathered were treated to sweets, tea and coffee, and at the end of the event, the participants were invited to play a quiz and test their knowledge about human emotional and physical health, and the most successful ones were awarded project attributes.

2022-03-29 įvyko pirmasis Informational event on the Implementation of the model of welfare consultants in Ignalina district

At the event, the services of a well-being consultant were presented in more detail, it was about good emotional health, positive thinking. We learn to recognize and evaluate stressful situations and, thanks to positive thinking, it is easier to solve them.

During the break, participants were invited to enjoy coffee and sweets,  and at the end of the event, a brainstorming session with awards was held.